Attendance & Absence
Good attendance and punctuality is vital to being successful at school. Here are the ways that we motivate and encourage excellent attendance and the ways we work with families to improve attendance and punctuality at OGPS.
Aiming High!
- We set 96% attendance as our minimum expectation for all pupils at Oliver Goldsmith.
- Our whole school attendance has been good for a number of years and we want to maintain and raise our standards
- Our whole school attendance target for 2023-24 is 96.5%
- In 2022-23 attendance was 93.4%
- In 2021-22 attendance was 93.6% (this was affected by Covid 19)
- In 2020-21 attendance was 95.2% (this was affected by Covid 19)
- In 2019-20 attendance was 95% (this was affected by Covid 19)
- In 2018-19 attendance was 96.6% (above national)
- If your child is ill and cannot attend school, please inform the office by 9 am.
- Please complete a Leave of Absence Application form for any leave of absence. Under DfE guidance, Headteachers can only grant leave of absence in "exceptional circumstances". Please do not ask for leave of absence for a family holiday as this will not be granted. Also, leave of absence will not be granted to visit relatives who are unwell. Term dates are published in advance so that families can arrange holidays. If you have any questions regarding leave of absence, please make an appointment with Mrs McAndrew via the school office.
- Leave of absence for exceptional circumstances- revised and ratified by Governors Autumn 2023.pdf
- It is important that pupils arrive on time to school so that they do not miss out on any valuable learning. Lining up and registration time ensures a smooth transition to the day so that pupils are calm and prepared for their lessons.
- Pupils must be in class at 8:45 am- ready for their lessons. Any pupils arriving after this time are late and need to go to the office to be marked in the late register. Any pupils arriving after 9:15am will be marked in the attendance register as an unauthorised absence.
- As part of our soft start in the mornings, gates open at 8:35am so that pupils may come into school earlier if they wish. Children are able to go straight to class and start some soft start activities with their class teacher.
How do we monitor attendance and punctuality?
- We monitor attendance and punctuality daily and work closely with Brent's Educational Welfare Officer (EWO) to support improving attendance and punctuality for pupils causing concern.
- We will contact parents directly where attendance need to improve.
- The school will refer and work with Brent's Educational Welfare Officer (EWO) to support families where there is poor attendance over time.
- With the mid-year and end of year reports we always includes information on attendance and punctuality to help parents see how their child is getting on. Any issues will be discussed at the spring term parents evening.