How to apply for a place at Oliver Goldsmith Primary School
Oliver Goldsmith Primary School follows the admission criteria set out by Brent Local Authority. Details of the criteria and information about applying for a school place in Brent can be found at
Our current pupil admission number (PAN) is 446 pupils.
Each autumn term, we hold information meetings and tours for prospective parents who are looking to apply for a place in our Reception classes. The deadline for applications for our Reception classes is 15th January for the next academic year.
We share information with Year 5 & 6 families at the start of each autumn term to go through the process of applying to move to secondary school.
Nursery Admission
Application for a place at our nursery must be made directly to the school. Application forms are available from the school office. Please see below our Nursery admission policy:
Nursery Admissions Policy 2024-2025.pdf
Alternatively, you can download and complete the Nursery Admission Application Form and email it to us at
Admission Form for OGPS Nursery.doc