
No Events Found

There doesn't appear to be any event items. Subscribe to the full school calendar to receive updates for school events when they become available.

Back to school

Date: 5th September 2016

Parents' Evening

Date: 12th October 2016

3:50pm-19:00pm. Please make appointments through Teachers2Parents.

Parents' Evening

Date: 13th October 2016

3:50pm-5:30pm. Please make appointments via Teachers2Parents.

Harvest Assembly

Date: 14th October 2016

We come together to share our good fortune with those less fortunate.

Parent Forum & PSA AGM

Date: 17th October 2016

9.00am & 6.00pm We want to hear your views

ParentTime - English for KS1 - 9.00am

Date: 19th October 2016

Come to the meeting to understand how we teach and how you can help your child with English.

Photographer in School

Date: 20th October 2016

Individual and sibling photographs taken in school today.

Year 4 Diwali assembly

Date: 21st October 2016

Our talented Year 4 pupils present their Diwali assembly

Autumn Half Term

Date: 24th October 2016 till 28th October 2016

Autumn Half Term Break - school closed to pupils

ParentTime - English for KS2 - 9.00am

Date: 2nd November 2016

Come to the meeting to understand how we teach and how you can help your child with English.

Halloween Disco

Date: 4th November 2016

The PSA is hosting the annual Halloween Disco on the evening of Friday 4th November 6.00-8.30pm please read the letter on the PSA page

ParentTime -Anti-Bullying - 9.00am

Date: 15th November 2016

ParentTime -Anti-Bullying - 9.00am come along and find out what and how we tackle bullying at Oliver Goldsmith School

Prospective Parents Meeting - 9.00am

Date: 17th November 2016

Come along to meet us, look around school before applying and ask any questions you may have about our school.

Year 5 visiting the RAF Museum

Date: 22nd November 2016

Year 5 visiting the RAF Museum

Prospective Parents Meeting 3.30pm

Date: 30th November 2016

Come along to meet us, look around school before applying and ask any questions you may have about our school.

Prospective Parents Meeting - 9.00am

Date: 7th December 2016

Come along to meet us, look around school before applying and ask any questions you may have about our school.

Hannukah Assembly - Year 3 - 9.00am

Date: 9th December 2016

Year 3 present their assembly - sharing the knowledge they have gained about the festival of Hannukah

Year 5 visiting the RAF Museum

Date: 13th December 2016

Year 5 visiting the RAF Museum

Christmas Fair

Date: 16th December 2016

Christmas Fair from 3.30pm for parents

Children's Christmas Lunch

Date: 16th December 2016

Children's Christmas Lunch

Year 2 Nativity - 9.15am - Parents Welcome

Date: 16th December 2016

Year 2 Nativity - 9.15am - Parents Welcome

Year 3 visit Millfield Theatre for Panto

Date: 19th December 2016

Year 3 visit Millfield Theatre for Panto

Christmas Parties for Children

Date: 20th December 2016

Christmas Parties for Children

Last day of term 1.30pm finish

Date: 21st December 2016

Last day of term 1.30pm finish

Children return to school

Date: 4th January 2017

Children return to school

One Year 3 class to visit Welsh Harp

Date: 12th January 2017

One Year 3 class to visit Welsh Harp

One Year 3 class to visit Welsh Harp

Date: 13th January 2017

One Year 3 class to visit Welsh Harp

London Fire Brigade visiting Year 2

Date: 23rd January 2017

London Fire Brigade visiting Year 2 they are bringing their fire engine!

Year 6 visit St Albans Abbey

Date: 30th January 2017

Year 6 visit St Albans Abbey

E-Safety Week

Date: 6th February 2017 till 10th February 2017

Children will take part in lessons to learn how to use the internet safely

#lovewhereyoulive project

Date: 6th February 2017

The pupils will be joined by Veolia - Refuse & Recycling services - to look for and dispose of litter

Safer Internet Day

Date: 7th February 2017

Pupils learn what is safe and what is not when using the internet

Guitarist Andrey Lebede visiting Year 6

Date: 10th February 2017

Guitarist Andrey Lebede visiting Year 6

Half term

Date: 13th February 2017 till 17th February 2017

Half Term

Learning Adventure Week 1

Date: 20th February 2017 till 24th February 2017

We Love London!!!

National Sing Up Day

Date: 22nd February 2017

National Sing Up Day

5A visit to Tower of London

Date: 23rd February 2017

As part of the Learning Adventure 5A will tour The Tower of London

Learning Adventure Week 2

Date: 27th February 2017 till 3rd March 2017

We Love London!!

Year 4 visit to British Museum

Date: 1st March 2017

Year 4 visit the British Museum

Children will visit Learning Zones

Date: 2nd March 2017 till 3rd February 2017

The children will visit all the zones that have been created by each other to celebrate London

Parents invited to visit the Learning Zones

Date: 3rd March 2017

9am - 10.30am - all parents invited to visit the Learning Zones created by the children for We Love London Learning Adventure

No Pens Day

Date: 8th March 2017

The children spend the day learning without a pen or a pencil

Spring Parents Evening

Date: 8th March 2017

Parents Evening 3.45pm - 7.00pm

Year 4 visit to Brent Library (Willesden)

Date: 8th March 2017

The year 4 pupils will visit Willesden Library to study the local Geography

Spring Parents Evening

Date: 9th March 2017

Parents Evening 3.45pm - 5.30pm

National Sing Up Day

Date: 22nd March 2017

The children will all take part in singing today to celebrate singing across the country

School Musical - "Mystery at Magpie Manor"

Date: 28th March 2017

The children present their Musical - Mystery at Magpie Manor. Year 1-5 and the school choir with two performances at 9.30am & 2.15pm

Age of Enlightenment Orchestra

Date: 29th March 2017

The Orchestra are at school to give a performance for the children.

Year 6 Easter Assembly

Date: 30th March 2017

The Year 6 children present their Easter Assembly at Holy Innocents Church

Easter Bonnet Competition & PSA Bake Sale with Easter Egg Raffle

Date: 30th March 2017

The PSA are hosting the Annual Bake Day along with Decorative Egg and Design an Easter Bonnet competition,

Last day of Spring Term

Date: 31st March 2017

School finishes for the Spring Term at 1.30pm

Year 5 School Journey to Gordon Brown Outdoor Educational Centre

Date: 24th April 2017 till 28th April 2017

Year 5 enjoy their first school journey. They will be staying for four nights, learning about their environment

May Bank Holiday

Date: 1st May 2017

School closed

Inset Day - school closed to pupils

Date: 2nd May 2017

The school is closed for staff training today

Year 1 Assembly

Date: 5th May 2017

Year 1 children present their Old Testament Assembly

KS2 SATS week

Date: 8th May 2017 till 11th May 2017

The year 6 children sit the annual SATS

1 Reception class to visit Welsh Harp Field Centre

Date: 8th May 2017

The children will enjoy a day at the centre learning about our environment and the habitats of small animals

1 Reception class to visit Welsh Harp Field Centre

Date: 9th May 2017

The children will enjoy a day at the centre learning about our environment and the habitats of small animals

1 Year 4 class to Welsh Harp Field Centre

Date: 10th May 2017

The children visit the centre to learn about the environment and how to look after our planet

1 Year 4 class visit Welsh Harp Field Centre

Date: 12th May 2017

Children visit the centre to learn about the environment and how to look after our planet

Vesak Assembly

Date: 12th May 2017

We celebrate Vesak with a special assembly for all the children

Parent Governor Ballot deadline

Date: 12th May 2017

The deadline for all parents voting in our Governor Ballot is 3.30pm today

Walk to School Week

Date: 15th May 2017 till 19th May 2017

The children are encouraged to walk/cycle/scoot to school to stay healthier and help with congestion around our locality

Year 6 School Journey

Date: 15th May 2017 till 17th May 2017

Year 6 children visit Kingswood Centre to enjoy 3 days of fun activities!

Year 6 school journey

Date: 15th May 2017 till 17th May 2017

The year 6 children go on an exciting school journey

Parent Time - MFL/French

Date: 18th May 2017

9.00am - Parents invited to come along to school to learn how and what we teach in Modern Foreign Languages

Year 1 Old Testament Assembly

Date: 19th May 2017

Year 1 present their Old Testament Story

Parent Time - E-Safety - 9.00am

Date: 24th May 2017

Parents are invited to find out how children can be safe while they are on the internet,

Class photographs day

Date: 25th May 2017

Children will have their photos taken to celebrate a another year together - parents may purchase

KST (Kingsbury Schools Together) Carnival

Date: 25th May 2017

Our year 4 children join with other local schools

Parent Forum

Date: 25th May 2017

Come along and have your say! 9am or 3.45pm - all parents welcome

OGPS Book Day

Date: 26th May 2017

We celebrate World Book Day together

Maths Learning Adventure

Date: 5th June 2017 till 9th June 2017

Maths Timetable competition week!

Parent Time - The Arts - 9am

Date: 6th June 2017

Parents are invited to come along to discuss Music/Dance & Drama

School closed - Polling Station for the General election

Date: 8th June 2017

1 Year 1 class visit Welsh Harp Field Centre

Date: 12th June 2017

The children will see the centre and learn about mini beasts!

1 Year 1 class visit Welsh Harp Field Centre

Date: 14th June 2017

The children visit the centre and learn about mini beasts!

Year 3 visit Verulamium Museum

Date: 15th June 2017

The children visit this wonderful museum to learn about the Romans

Reception Assembly

Date: 16th June 2017

Our talented Reception children present their first assembly to parents and the school

1 Year 6 class visit Welsh Harp Field Centre

Date: 20th June 2017

9.15am - Meeting for our new Reception parents

Date: 20th June 2017

We welcome the parents whose children will be starting school during September 2017 into our reception classes.

1 Year 6 class visit Welsh Harp Field Centre

Date: 21st June 2017

No Pens Day

Date: 21st June 2017

No pens allowed in school today! How much can you do without a pen or pencil today?

Year 5 present Eid Assembly

Date: 23rd June 2017

Year 5 present their assembly

OGPS Proms Week

Date: 26th June 2017

The week in school where we celebrate the Arts

EYFS Sports Day

Date: 29th June 2017

Our Nursery and Reception children have Sports Day

MFL Day - Modern Foreign Languages

Date: 30th June 2017

French spoken in all classes today

Performing Arts Concert

Date: 6th July 2017

Parents are welcome to come along to see their talented children perform.

KS1 & KS2 Sports Day

Date: 7th July 2017

Parents are invited to join us at Hendon Football Club for our Sports Day

Optional Parents Evening - 3.45pm - 5.30pm

Date: 10th July 2017

If you feel you need to discuss your child's report please make an appointment

Reception visit Standalone Farm

Date: 11th July 2017

Fun at the Farm!

Year 6 visit the Theatre to see The Lion King

Date: 12th July 2017

We hope you enjoy your trip to the theatre - well done for all your hard work while you have been a part of our school - keep working hard!

Sports Achievement Assembly

Date: 14th July 2017

Who is our Sports Personality of the Year? Well done to all our hard working athletes.

Year 6 Leavers Disco

Date: 20th July 2017

Our Year 6 will enjoy a disco on their final week at OGS - Good Luck all!

Year 6 Leavers Assembly

Date: 20th July 2017

Our talented year 6 say their goodbyes. Good luck all!!!

Final assembly for the year! School closes at 1.30pm

Date: 21st July 2017

All of our community get together to celebrate another successful year

Staff Inset Day

Date: 4th September 2017

Staff Inset Day

Date: 5th September 2017

Children back to school for the new academic year

Date: 6th September 2017

1st new Reception pupils intake

Date: 7th September 2017

Learning Journey Information sent home

Date: 11th September 2017

2nd new Reception pupils intake

Date: 11th September 2017

Swimming lessons begin for 4B

Date: 11th September 2017

3rd new Reception pupils intake

Date: 13th September 2017

1st Nursery pupils intake

Date: 14th September 2017

Autumn Term Maths Week

Date: 18th September 2017

Extra Curricular clubs begin

Date: 18th September 2017

Reception pupils stay full day

Date: 18th September 2017

2nd Nursery pupils intake

Date: 18th September 2017

Parent Time - applying for High School & Residentials

Date: 21st September 2017

9am -9.45am & 6pm - 6.45pm

School Council Elections week

Date: 25th September 2017 till 29th September 2017

Parent Time - KS1 Maths Calculations 9am -10am

Date: 27th September 2017

School Council Election Day

Date: 29th September 2017

Wigmore Hall visit

Date: 29th September 2017

Year 2 will visit Wigmore Hall for a performance by Ensemble 360 & Polly Ives, which is aimed, specifically at children in reception and KS1.

Black History Month begins

Date: 2nd October 2017

Parent Time - KS2 Maths Calculations 9-10am

Date: 3rd October 2017

Walk, Scoot or Bike to School Day!

Date: 4th October 2017

Parents Evenings

Date: 11th October 2017 till 12th October 2017

Diwali Assembly - presented by Year 6

Date: 13th October 2017

Parent Forum & PSA AGM

Date: 16th October 2017

9-10am & 6-7pm

Parent Time - KS1 English

Date: 18th October 2017

9am - 10am

Please bring your Harvest donations to school

Date: 19th October 2017

We celebrate Harvest with an Assembly

Date: 20th October 2017

Half term

Date: 23rd October 2017 till 27th October 2017

Individual Photographs taken today

Date: 30th October 2017

English Learning Adventure begins.....

Date: 30th October 2017 till 3rd November 2017

Parent Time - KS2 English 9-10am

Date: 1st November 2017

Apply for Reception at OGPS - September 2018 - 9am

Date: 2nd November 2017

If you need help in deciding which school to apply for your child - come along and check us out!

Parent Time KS2 Maths Calculations - extra session! 9am

Date: 3rd November 2017

Non-Uniform Day - £1 for fancy dress or own clothes

Date: 3rd November 2017

Come to school wearing what you like! Fancy dress or your own clothes.

FFG- (Friends and family of Goldsmith) Halloween Disco 5.30-7.30pm

Date: 3rd November 2017

Come along and have some spooky fun!

English Learning Adventure begins........

Date: 6th November 2017

Whole school English Learning Adventure

5C visit Handel House Museum

Date: 6th November 2017

Parent Time for Year 1 parents - Phonics - 9am

Date: 7th November 2017

Apply for Reception at OGPS - September 2018 - 3.45pm

Date: 7th November 2017

If you need help in deciding which school to apply for your child - come along and check us out!

Parent Time for Year 1 parents - Phonics 3.45pm

Date: 8th November 2017

Session being repeated from 7th November

Year 5 visit to RAF Musuem

Date: 8th November 2017

Apply for Reception 2018 at OGPS - 9am

Date: 9th November 2017

If you need help in deciding which school to apply for your child - come along and check us out!

5A visit Handel House Museum

Date: 10th November 2017

Anti-Bullying week begins

Date: 13th November 2017 till 17th November 2017

Parent Time - Anti-bullying 9-10am

Date: 14th November 2017

"Mad or Bad Hair" Day for Children in Need

Date: 17th November 2017

Come to school with "crazy" hair styles for Children in Need.

Parent Time - Early Years 9-10am

Date: 22nd November 2017

Drop in clinic for parents applying for Reception 2018 intake

Date: 1st December 2017

Year 3 Hannukah Assembly

Date: 8th December 2017

Christmas Panto for Reception, Yrs 1,2,4 & 5

Date: 11th December 2017

Christmas Fair donations day!

Date: 14th December 2017

Annual Flu Spray

Date: 14th December 2017

Reception to Year 4 to receive the Annual Flu Spray

Non uniform day and Christmas Jumper Day!

Date: 15th December 2017

OGPS Christmas Fair - pm

Date: 15th December 2017

Year 2 Nativity Assembly 9am

Date: 15th December 2017

Christmas parties for all classes

Date: 18th December 2017

End of Autumn Term 1.30pm

Date: 19th December 2017

Staff Inset Day

Date: 3rd January 2018

Children return to school for Spring term

Date: 4th January 2018

Maths Times Tables Week!

Date: 8th January 2018 till 12th January 2018

Be Bright Be Seen day!

Date: 19th January 2018

PE & PSHE Learning Adventure Week

Date: 29th January 2018 till 2nd February 2018

Last swimming session for 4B

Date: 29th January 2018

Year 6 visit to St Pauls Cathedral

Date: 30th January 2018

Year 6 will visit St Pauls Cathedral

Swimming begins for 4A

Date: 5th February 2018

E-Safety week

Date: 5th February 2018 till 9th February 2018

Safer Internet Day 2018

Date: 6th February 2018

Happy 80th Birthday to us!

Date: 8th February 2018

Celebrating our 80th Birthday with cake and photos!

Year 6 visit to Natural History Museum

Date: 9th February 2018

The children will take part in and Evolution workshop

Half term

Date: 12th February 2018 till 16th February 2018

Parents Evenings this week...details to follow

Date: 5th March 2018

French Day

Date: 16th March 2018

The children enjoy a day of all things French!

Year 4 Easter Assembly

Date: 28th March 2018

End of Spring Term 1.30pm

Date: 29th March 2018

Summer Term begins

Date: 16th April 2018

Maths Times Table & Competition week!

Date: 16th April 2018 till 20th April 2018

Year 5 Gordon Brown Residential week

Date: 23rd April 2018 till 27th April 2018

Polling Station - School Closed

Date: 3rd May 2018

Bank Holiday - school closed

Date: 7th May 2018

OGPS World Book Day

Date: 11th May 2018

Dress up as your favourite book character and join in the fun!

Walk, Scoot & Bike to school week!

Date: 14th May 2018 till 18th May 2018

KS2 Assessment week

Date: 14th May 2018 till 17th May 2018

Our children prove just how hard they have been working! So proud of you all

Reception Assembly

Date: 18th May 2018

Year 1 visit Holland Park Ecology Centre

Date: 21st May 2018

The children will visit the centre to discover about the changes in our environment

Year 6 Residential journey

Date: 21st May 2018 till 23rd May 2018

Many of our year 6 pupils will go on a residential trip to Rookesbury Hall

HMS Belfast visit

Date: 21st May 2018

Those children who are not going on the Residential trip will visit HMS Belfast today

Year 1 Vesak Assembly

Date: 25th May 2018

Year 5 Eid Assembly

Date: 8th June 2018

OGPS Proms Week!

Date: 11th June 2018 till 15th June 2018

OGPS Proms week

Date: 11th June 2018 till 15th June 2018

Our talented children show off their musical skills

Year 1 to Kingsbury Family Festival

Date: 12th June 2018

Our year 1 children join lots of school from our area for a sporting festival of fun at Kingsbury High School

Reception visit RAF Museum

Date: 14th June 2018

The Reception children discover how things move.....

Year 4 visit Science Museum

Date: 15th June 2018

How do your guts work! This is the question for Year 4

Reception parents meeting

Date: 19th June 2018

We welcome parents of our Reception children joining us in September 2018 at 9.15am

Year 2 to Kingsbury Family Festival

Date: 19th June 2018

Our year 2 children join lots of school from our area for a sporting festival of fun at Kingsbury High School

Whole School Learning Adventure begins

Date: 20th June 2018

Parents Visit Learning Adventure Zones

Date: 29th June 2018

OGPS 8Oth Birthday Celebration day!

Date: 30th June 2018

From 11am - 3pm - come along to see old photographs and see how the school has changed

EYFS Sports Day

Date: 2nd July 2018

New Reception children visit

Date: 3rd July 2018

We welcome our new reception children who will join us in September 2018 to see the classrooms and meet staff

Performing Arts Concert Evening Performance

Date: 4th July 2018

New Nursery Parents meeting

Date: 4th July 2018

We welcome the parents of children who will start with us in September 2018 to meet staff and visit the nursery

Year 3 visit Verulamium

Date: 5th July 2018

Our Year 3 children visit Verulamium to discover facts about the Romans and more!

KS1 & KS2 Sports Day (tbc)

Date: 6th July 2018

Optional Parents Evening

Date: 9th July 2018

Year 6 to KHS Sporting Challenge

Date: 9th July 2018

Our year 6 children take part in a Sporting Challenge against all the other Kingsbury schools at Kingsbury High School

Transition day for whole school

Date: 11th July 2018

Reception visit the Farm

Date: 12th July 2018

Our reception children visit Standalone Farm

LondonTheatre visit for Year 6

Date: 12th July 2018

Our year 6 visit the theatre to see a professional production of Aladdin

Summer Fair - to be confirmed by PSA

Date: 14th July 2018

Year 6 Leavers Assembly

Date: 19th July 2018

End of Term

Date: 20th July 2018

Inset day for Staff

Date: 3rd September 2018

Inset day for Staff

Date: 4th September 2018

Welcome back to school for 2018 - 2019

Date: 5th September 2018

1st Reception children intake

Date: 6th September 2018

2nd Reception children intake

Date: 10th September 2018

1st Nursery children intake

Date: 10th September 2018

3rd Reception children intake

Date: 12th September 2018

Yr 5/6 High School & Residential meeting (6pm)

Date: 12th September 2018

3rd Nursery children intake

Date: 17th September 2018

Maths Week

Date: 17th September 2018 till 21st September 2018

All classes focus on times tables!

4B begin swimming lessons

Date: 17th September 2018

School Council Election week

Date: 24th September 2018 till 28th September 2018

Important Election week for the pupils of OGPS. Who will represent the classes?

KS1 Maths Parent time - 9am

Date: 26th September 2018

Come along to find out how you can help your child with Maths

School Council Election Day

Date: 28th September 2018

The elections take place and the representatives are.......

Black History Month begins

Date: 1st October 2018

Our whole school learn about the many great people and events from Black History

KS2 Maths Calculations Parent time - 9am

Date: 2nd October 2018

KS2 Parents invited to come along and hear what your children are learning

Year 2 visit the Royal Festival Hall

Date: 8th October 2018

Autumn Parents Evening 1

Date: 10th October 2018


Autumn Parents Evening 2

Date: 11th October 2018


Parent Forum 9-10am & 6-7pm & PSA AGM

Date: 15th October 2018

Come along and share your views and hear what's happening in our school

Individual Photographs taken today - Happy smiles!

Date: 16th October 2018

KS1 English Parent time - 9am

Date: 17th October 2018

Harvest Assembly

Date: 19th October 2018

Year 5 visit to Ashton Lodge Care Home

Date: 31st October 2018

The children will visit with the Ashton Lodge community - sharing stories and maybe some dressing up for Halloween!

KS2 Englsih Parent time - 9AM

Date: 31st October 2018

Year 6 Diwali Assembly - 9am

Date: 2nd November 2018

Anti-Bullying week

Date: 12th November 2018 till 16th November 2018

Anti-Bullying Parent time - 9am

Date: 13th November 2018

Early Years Parent time - 9am

Date: 21st November 2018

Drop in if you want to apply for a Reception place

Date: 23rd November 2018

If you would like help to apply for a place at our school please come to the office

Prospective Parents meeting - 9am

Date: 29th November 2018

Come along see and hear about our school

Year 3 Hanukah Assembly - 9am

Date: 30th November 2018

Year 3 present an assembly celebrating Hanukah

Christmas Fair - pm

Date: 14th December 2018

Our year 6 pupils organise and run the Christmas Fair - come along and enjoy the afternoon

Pantomime for Year 3

Date: 17th December 2018

Our Year 3 visit Millfield Theatre to see a Pantomime - Beauty & the Beast! Oh no they're not...Oh yes they are!!

Pantomime in School

Date: 18th December 2018

Christmas fun for Years1,2,4,5 & Reception

Year 2 Nativity Assembly - 9am

Date: 19th December 2018

Our Year 2 pupils present the Nativity Assembly for parents

Christmas Jumper & Non Uniform day

Date: 20th December 2018

Wear your Christmas Jumper for Charity today

End of term Chrsitmas party day

Date: 20th December 2018

End of Autumn term - 1.30pm

Date: 21st December 2018

Enjoy your Christmas holiday - stay safe and have fun!

Inset day for staff

Date: 7th January 2019

Staff meet today for training - term begins 8th January

Spring 2019 term begins

Date: 8th January 2019

Children return to school

Swimming continues for 4B Class

Date: 14th January 2019

4B will continue with swimming lessons

Be Bright Be Seen Day!

Date: 25th January 2019

Wear bright clothing to school so that you are easily seen on these dark days!

Last swimming session for 4B

Date: 4th February 2019

That's half a school year of swimming lessons for the children in 4B - 4A begin next week!

First swimming session for 4A

Date: 11th February 2019

The children in 4A begin 15 weeks of swimming lessons

E-Safety week

Date: 11th February 2019 till 15th February 2019

Learn how you can use the internet safely in school and at home

Half term break

Date: 18th February 2019 till 22nd February 2019

World Book Day

Date: 7th March 2019

Celebrating books!

Parents Evening

Date: 13th March 2019

Meet with teachers to discuss your child's progress

Parents Evening

Date: 14th March 2019

Meet with teachers to discuss your child's progress

Modern Foreign Language Day

Date: 29th March 2019

We are all things French today!

End of Spring Term

Date: 5th April 2019

Our Spring term ends today at 1.30pm

Start of Summer term

Date: 23rd April 2019

The children are welcomed back to school today

Year 5 go to Gordon Brown Outdoor Educational Centre

Date: 29th April 2019 till 3rd May 2019

Many of our year 5 pupils visit the Environmental centre for the week. Have fun!

1 Year 4 class to visit Welsh Harp

Date: 7th May 2019

The children visit the centre to explore the enviroment

Year 1 visit Holland Park

Date: 7th May 2019

Year 1 visit an Adventure playground to assist with their Science & DT work

Year 3 visit Verulamium

Date: 7th May 2019

A day of historical learning at the Roman baths and museum

1 Year 4 class visit Welsh Harp

Date: 9th May 2019

The children will visit the centre to explore the environment

Year 5 Handel Project

Date: 9th May 2019

Year 5 have been working hard in their music time learning from an orchestra about Handels music

SATS week for Year 6

Date: 13th May 2019 till 16th May 2019

Year 5 visit RAF Museum

Date: 14th May 2019

Our Year 5 children will explore the famous RAF museum to expand on their learning about the war years

Vesak Assembly

Date: 17th May 2019

The school comes together to Celebrate with Year 1 the Bhuddist Festival of Vesak

Walk to School Week

Date: 20th May 2019 till 24th May 2019

Leave the car and walk, scoot, cycle to school!

School Closed - Polling

Date: 23rd May 2019

Our school is a Polling station today

Year 5 EID Assembly

Date: 24th May 2019

Our Year 5 celebrate EID with the school

Class photographs

Date: 3rd June 2019

Class photographs will be taken today.

New Reception parents meeting 9.15am

Date: 11th June 2019

Parents of the children joining our reception in September are invited to find out about our school and ask any questions

Summer Learning Adventure

Date: 16th June 2019

The summer term Learning Adventure begins.......

EYFS Sports day

Date: 1st July 2019

Nursery and Reception children show us their skills in Sports!

Reception 2019 visit classes

Date: 2nd July 2019

The children who will be joining our Reception classes in September will visit the class and meet their new teacher

Nursery parents meeting 9.15am

Date: 3rd July 2019

The parents of those children joining our Nursery in September 2019 meeting

KS1 & KS2 Sports Day

Date: 5th July 2019

Our 2019 Sports Day takes place at Hendon Football Club in the afternoon

Yr 5 visit to Handel Museum

Date: 10th July 2019

The culmination of much hard work, our Year 5 children take part in a concert to celebrate the life and music of the composer Handel

Performing Arts Concert

Date: 11th July 2019

Our annual extravaganza, showcasing the very talented singers, dancers, actors that attend our school

Summer Fair

Date: 13th July 2019

Come along and join in the fun from 12 noon - 3pm!


Date: 17th July 2019

Our year 6 pupils travel to the bright lights of the West End to see a professional theatre show

And the school year comes to an end.....1.30pm

Date: 19th July 2019

After lots of hard work, fun and excitement, our school year comes to an end. Stay safe and enjoy your Summer break. See you all in September!

Inset Day

Date: 2nd September 2019

Staff meet to begin the new school year

Inset Day

Date: 3rd September 2019

Staff meet to begin the new school year

Children return to school for the new school year

Date: 4th September 2019

Children back to school - soft start from 8.40am

Half term

Date: 21st October 2019 till 25th October 2019

Individual photographs day

Date: 29th October 2019

KS2 English Parent time meeting

Date: 30th October 2019


Year 5 visit RAF Museum

Date: 31st October 2019

FFG Fancy Dress Disco

Date: 1st November 2019

Buy a ticket to our fancy dress disco. Great fun, great prizes! All children must be accompanied by an adult.

3L Visit The Welsh Harp Environmental Centre

Date: 13th November 2019

3P Visit the Welsh Harp Environmental Centre

Date: 14th November 2019

Children in Need Day

Date: 15th November 2019

The pupils and staff take part in fun fund raising for Children in Need

Do you want to apply for Reception?

Date: 22nd November 2019

Come to the school and we will help you to complete an application form for Reception 2020

Parent time - Anti Bullying

Date: 27th November 2019

8.40am - 9.20am

Meeting for Prospective Parents for Reception 2020

Date: 28th November 2019

9am - come along to hear an introduction to our school by our Headteacher followed by a tour of the school

Year 6 visit the Hindu Temple

Date: 28th November 2019

Year 6 will take time in the afternoon to visit the very special Temple across the road from our school

Hannukah Assembly

Date: 6th December 2019

Year 3 present their Hannukah Assembly

Pantomine for Rec - Yr 5 (not yr 3)

Date: 9th December 2019

The children will enjoy some Pantomime fun! Oh yes they will!!!

Human Rights Day

Date: 10th December 2019

Non-uniform day & Christmas Fair day

Date: 13th December 2019

Children may wear their own clothes today and everyone is invited to our Christmas Fair.

Year 3 visit to Millfield Theatre for Mother Goose Panto

Date: 16th December 2019

Year 2 Nativity Assembly

Date: 17th December 2019

Our Yea 2 children present their Nativity assembly - parents of year 2 pupils welcome

Christmas Party day

Date: 18th December 2019

Autumn term ends 1.30pm

Date: 19th December 2019

Inset Day for staff

Date: 6th January 2020

Spring term begins for children

Date: 7th January 2020

Be Bright, Be Seen Day

Date: 24th January 2020

Children are encouraged to wear bright clothing to be seen on these dark days

One reception class visit Welsh Harp Environmental Centre

Date: 5th February 2020

One reception class visit Welsh Harp Environmental Centre

Date: 6th February 2020

French Day

Date: 7th February 2020

All the pupils enjoy a day of all things French!

E-Safety Week

Date: 10th February 2020 till 14th February 2020

Our pupils learn how to stay safe when using the Internet

Safer Internet Day

Date: 11th February 2020

Year 6 visit Natural History Museum

Date: 13th February 2020

Year 4 visit The Tate Modern

Date: 14th February 2020

Half term

Date: 17th February 2020 till 21st February 2020

World Book Day 2020

Date: 5th March 2020

Parents Evening - 3.45pm-7.30pm

Date: 11th March 2020

Parents Evening - 3.45pm - 5.30pm

Date: 12th March 2020

Outdoor Learning Day 1

Date: 13th March 2020

Outdoor Learning Day 2

Date: 20th March 2020

Year 4 Easter Assembly

Date: 2nd April 2020

Spring term ends 1.30pm

Date: 3rd April 2020

Summer term begins

Date: 20th April 2020

Half term

Date: 25th May 2020 till 29th May 2020

Last day of term for children 1.30pm

Date: 17th July 2020

Inset Day

Date: 20th July 2020

Inset Day

Date: 21st July 2020

3 Inset Days for Staff

Date: 2nd September 2020 till 4th September 2020

New school year begins for Pupils

Date: 7th September 2020

Autumn half term

Date: 26th October 2020 till 30th October 2020

Mad Hair School Council Fundraising Day

Date: 16th December 2020

Children will have a MAD HAIR day in support of chosen charities

Nursery finish for Autumn term

Date: 17th December 2020

Our Nursery children finish school for the Autumn Term

Non-Uniform Day for all children

Date: 17th December 2020

Wear your Christmas jumper or any clothes you wish to!

Last day of Autumn term

Date: 18th December 2020

Children finish for the Autumn term at 1.30pm

Inset Day

Date: 4th January 2021

Pupils return to school

Date: 5th January 2021

Spring half term

Date: 15th February 2021 till 19th February 2021

Inset Day

Date: 19th April 2021

Summer term for pupils begins

Date: 20th April 2021


Date: 10th May 2021 till 13th May 2021

Summer half term

Date: 31st May 2021 till 4th June 2021

Summer term ends

Date: 23rd July 2021

Inset Day -

Date: 1st September 2021

Children return to school for the new school year

Date: 2nd September 2021

Half term

Date: 25th October 2021 till 29th October 2021

Last day of Autumn term

Date: 17th December 2021

2 Inset Days

Date: 4th January 2022 till 5th January 2022

Children return to school

Date: 6th January 2022

Half term

Date: 14th February 2022 till 18th February 2022

Last day of Spring term

Date: 1st April 2022

Inset Day

Date: 19th April 2022

Children return to school

Date: 20th April 2022

Half term

Date: 30th May 2022 till 3rd June 2022

Summer term ends 1.30pm

Date: 20th July 2022

Inset Day

Date: 21st July 2022

OGPS Chosen day for additional Bank Holiday for Queen's Platinum Jubilee

Date: 22nd July 2022

Reception 2023 Admission - Open Day

Date: 29th November 2022

from 3:45pm

Reception 2023 Admission - Open Day

Date: 1st December 2022

from 9:15am

Reception 2023 Admission - Open Day

Date: 6th December 2022

from 9:15am

Children come back to school

Date: 5th January 2023

Be Bright Be Seen Day

Date: 20th January 2023

World Book Day

Date: 2nd March 2023

French Learning Adventure Day

Date: 17th March 2023

Spring Musical

Date: 28th March 2023

Easter Assembly

Date: 30th March 2023

Non-uniform Day / Spring Fair

Date: 30th March 2023

End of Term 1.30pm

Date: 31st March 2023

Eid Assembly

Date: 19th April 2023

Flu Immunisation Day at OGPS

Date: 18th October 2023

Break up for half term at 3.15pm

Date: 20th October 2023

Back to school - gates open at 8.35am as usual

Date: 30th October 2023

Y6 Assembly - Diwali & learning reflections

Date: 10th November 2023

Y3 Assembly - Hannukah & learning reflections

Date: 13th December 2023

Christmas Fair Day run by Y6

Date: 15th December 2023

Y2 Assembly - Nativity

Date: 18th December 2023

Non-uniform day - Party Afternoon

Date: 19th December 2023

End of Autumn Term - Children finish at 1.30pm

Date: 20th December 2023

Back to school - gates open at 8.35am as usual

Date: 9th January 2024

Be Bright, Be Seen Day!

Date: 26th January 2024

Break up for half term at 3.15pm

Date: 9th February 2024

Back to school - gates open at 8.35am as usual

Date: 19th February 2024

French Learning Adventure Day

Date: 15th March 2024

Spring Musical Performances

Date: 20th March 2024

Y4 Assembly - Easter & learning reflections

Date: 25th March 2024

End of Spring Term - Children finish at 1.30pm

Date: 28th March 2024

Back to school - gates open at 8.35am as usual

Date: 15th April 2024

Local Elections & London Mayor Election Day

Date: 2nd May 2024

Walk to School Week

Date: 20th May 2024 till 24th May 2024

Y1 Assembly - Vesak & learning reflections

Date: 22nd May 2024

Back to school - gates open at 8.35am as usual

Date: 3rd June 2024

Y5 Assembly - Eid & learning reflections

Date: 14th June 2024

Reception Assembly - (letter to come)

Date: 21st June 2024

Summer Learning Adventure Day

Date: 28th June 2024

Performing Arts Concert

Date: 10th July 2024

Y6 Leavers Assembly

Date: 18th July 2024

End of Summer Term - Children finish at 1.30pm

Date: 19th July 2024