British Values at OGPS
OGPS British Values Statement
Oliver Goldsmith thrives on its diverse community with a rich variety of home languages, cultures, faiths and traditions. We are proud to celebrate our diversity and enjoy learning from each other. We recognise the multi-cultural, multi faith and ever-changing nature of the country and our community. OGPS follows the policies outlined by the Equality Act 2010 which guarantees that there will be no discrimination against any individual or group, regardless of faith, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, political or financial status, or similar.
The Government emphasizes that schools are required to ensure that key ‘British Values’ are taught in all UK schools. The government set out its definition of British values in the ‘Prevent Strategy" – values of: Democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.
The spiritual, moral, social and cultural growth and development of our children supports their understanding of British Values.
All pupils develop and demonstrate their
knowledge and understanding of democracy through:
- An active School
Council that adheres to democratic principles.
- The selection of
School Councillors, Peer Mentors, Anti-Bullying Ambassadors, Junior Travel
Ambassadors and House Captains.
- Various
opportunities to participate in student voice through questionnaires,
interviews and feeding back to School Councillors and debates in class.
- A curriculum that
develops pupil understanding of Britain’s parliamentary system and other
forms of government, e.g. the Parliamentary Loan Box, elections held for
School Council members.
- Extra-curricular
activities that promote democratic processes.
- An embedded
anti-bullying culture and comprehensive Behaviour for Learning Policy.
- The schools
Behaviour Policy includes a clear code of conduct and expectations for all
- Behaviour charts are
in every classroom again reinforcing consistency throughout the school.
Class charters is a constant reminder to the children of expected
- A clear system of
rewards, recognition and sanctions to enhance knowledge of positive and
challenging behaviour.
- Having a soft start
gives pupils the choice of a more flexible start to their school day and
encourages individual responsibility.
- We offer children
the choice in regards to taking risks with their own level of education.
Each class offers Safe, Stretch and Super-stretch activities so children
have more choice and control over their learning.
- As a school we
educate and provide boundaries for students to make choices safely,
including those relating to e-safety and extremism.
- Students have key
roles in the school which they can elect themselves for such as Peer
Mentors, School Councillors, House Captains and more.
- Through
extra-curricular clubs and opportunities students are given the freedom to
make choices.
All pupils develop and demonstrate their
knowledge and understanding of mutual respect through:
- A clear system of
pastoral care, guidance and support.
- A teaching and
learning environment based on mutual respect.
- A new PSHE and
Citizenship curriculum called JIGSAW which includes British values, sex
and relationship education.
- A curriculum where
all pupils have an opportunity to express their views in a safe
environment where the thoughts and answers of all are respected.
- School assemblies
which are based around the five fundamental British values as well as
responsibility, determination, compassion, perseverance and humility.
- Encouraging children
to respect their own rights and those of others through our UNICEF Rights
Respecting School work.
- House and sporting
competitions that helps to instill fair play, collaboration and team
- Our Peer Mentors,
House Captains and School Councillors promote mutual respect between
students throughout the school community.
- The RE curriculum
which encourages pupils to explore spiritual thinking through their own
and others beliefs and values, thus developing an awe and wonder for the
natural world.
- Whole school and
class assemblies to promote the moral values and ethics of the school, for
example, learning about different faiths and beliefs, Anti-Bullying Week
and recycling projects. As stated earlier, the school has a
"determination" for collective worship and ensures a multi-faith
and inclusive approach.
- From Year 2 to Year
6, each year group has a main religion to study in depth and perform an
assembly around. The children also visit that place of worship.
- An awareness of global issues – through our humanities curriculum, assemblies and Learning Adventures.
Here are some examples of how British values are shared across the school’s work:
Our curriculum prepares children for life in Britain and the wider world; this includes developing effective reading, writing skills and maths, so children have the core skills they need to be successful citizens. As well as this, our Learning Adventures encourage children to develop the skills of resilience, independence, collaboration and evaluation as these are fundamental to becoming an effective life-long learner. Curriculum themes include historical and geographical study in the context of the United Kingdom as well as national and international comparisons. Principles of democracy, power and the law are explored routinely throughout the school.
Assemblies & Special Assemblies...
Our assemblies reflect school values and British Values in the themes that are chosen over the course of the year. Whilst the school holds a determination from Brent SACRE which means our worship is not based in Christianity – or any one religion – it is spiritual, inclusive and reflects British Values. School assemblies are led by all members of the teaching team over the course of the year and we regularly invite visitors from our local community to support the themes we are focusing on. Each Friday we have an achievement assembly which celebrates children's achievements and values their successes.
Over the year, each year group in the school leads a special assembly which they present to all children as well as parents and invited guests. We use year group assemblies to celebrate and respect the range of faiths and beliefs that are shared by all communities at OGPS. All the key festivals are celebrated each year with children building up their understanding of other communities over their time at the school. We have assemblies that celebrate festivals of Diwali, Harvest, Hanukah, Eid, Christmas, Vesak & Easter. It is a strength of the school and local community that parents do not withdraw their children from our special assemblies and that at each one you will see children of all faiths and no faith standing side by side sharing their own experiences or what they have discovered. Parents support and value these assemblies and visitors are always very impressed with our children's confidence and skills. We seek to help our children not just show "tolerance" towards each other but to have a real understanding of the things that are important to everyone and to respect each other's choices.
OGPS Prayer & Reflection Time...
Each year we run a prayer and reflection time so that children of all faiths and no faith can take time out to pray or reflect in a quiet place. This was started at the request of the children and each year we review how it works with the children in our school council.
Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) ...
Mutual respect is also taught within formal, PSHE lessons, sessions and on an informal nature throughout each day. Pupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and are advised how to exercise these safely, for example through our E-Safety policy and PSHE work on keeping myself safe.
Religious Education (RE)...
Tolerance & respect of those of different faiths and beliefs is promoted in RE as children gain a greater understanding of religious diversity and practices for those religions represented in the local area and the UK. Planning for RE is directed by the Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) - Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education.
We have a very close relationship with our local church, Holy Innocents with regular visits from their Vicar. We also hold our Easter assembly, led by Year 6, at the church which is next door to the school so that children become familiar with a local place of worship. We also have a close relationship with the Shree Swaminarayan Temple where children visit each year at key festival times. We also visit and work with other local Gudwaras, Synagogues and Mosques as part of the RE curriculum. Children visit local places of worship to gain a better understanding of the faiths and traditions in this, one of London's most diverse boroughs.
Physical Education (PE) & Sports...
We promote "fair play", following and developing rules, celebrating and rewarding success, accepting defeat and participating in activities that promote cooperation with others and inclusion for all form part of the PE curriculum.
School Council & Democracy In Action at OGPS...
At OGPS we promote the democratic processes through the election of school councillors. Each September we revisit the concept of democracy and pupil voice, with the children taking part in the campaign and election process from Reception to Year 6. Our year six pupils are charged with the responsibility of leading and take on the roles as Chair, Vice Chair, Business Manager & Accountant each year. The school council fosters the concept of freedom of speech and group action to address need and concerns. They make presentations back to their classes and to the school governors.
Where national or local elections take place such as general elections, London Mayor elections or local elections, we use these opportunities to hold further elections in school to help children learn about the value of democracy and how it makes a difference.
In 2015, we held school elections with Y5 pupils forming parties on key school improvement issues; the Locker Party won the election and brand new lockers were purchased for Y6 pupils as a result of their campaign!
In 2016, the school held an election to elect two children to take on the roles of Headteacher & Deputy Headteacher for the day; the children who successfully campaigned and were elected had a small budget and had to deliver their "election promises". You can read more about this in one of our newsletters... T 28th June 2016.pdf
In 2018, we are focusing on learning about democracy by using the parliamentary artefacts box from Westminster. The children will be learning about the role of the speaker, the House of Commons and the House of Lords. We will also be holding our own whole school election at the same time of Brent Local Elections in May 2018 which will focus on campaigning for local issues and making our local community a better place! Watch this space for more details in the spring and summer term!
To find out more about our School Council, CLICK HERE
Involvement in Local and National Events...
In recent years, we celebrated the coronation of King Charles III, Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee & 90th Birthday as well as the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death with special events, assemblies and themed lessons. Our "Best of British Week" in April 2016 meant children could learn more about the Royal Family and the role they play in the life of the UK. You can read more about the week in this newsletter. P 26th April 2016.pdf
In 2016 we also marked the Olympic Games with a special Learning Adventure that you can read about in other sections on the website but also here in a school newsletter. L 17th March 2016.pdf
Each year Armistice Day is remembered and children are encouraged to reflect on this during assemblies and class time. Our Year 6 children support by taking the poppy appeal to each classroom to raise awareness and money.