
The School Punishment Book - A Glimpse into the Past!

OGPS has a Punishment Book that dates from 25th October 1932 to 12th Sept 1966.

It was a statutory duty for schools to keep a formal log of corporal punishment and there were clear rules about what could be done and by whom, as you will see in a page later in this document.

On 25th October 1932, the first entry tells us that two children had received two strikes to the hand each by the Headteacher for repeated disobedience!

This book gives a fascinating insight into what school discipline and behaviour was like 80 years ago. Our Behaviour Policy in 2018 shows a very different approach to discipline in the past!

What follows in this document is a selection of pages from the punishment book that give you an insight into behaviour and consequences! As you will appreciate, names have been redacted as this is personal information, which even many years later could lead to potential embarrassment!

We hope you enjoy this glimpse into the past…

OGPS Punishment Book for School Website.pdf