
Learning Adventures for Inspirational & Memorable Moments!

Each year we hold learning adventures to create inspiring and memorable moments for our children...

What is a Learning Adventure & Why do we have them?

  • To create memorable moments to inspire the school community.
  • To involve the pupils in planning for an outcome.
  • To help the pupils learn about the process of learning.
  • To enable leaders to become learners and learners to become leaders.
  • To enable children to work with others across phase and year groups.
  • To enable pupils to set their own learning targets and evaluate their own progress.
  • To provide enriched, fun, creative, relevant and challenging experiences.
  • To provide opportunities for pupils to develop leadership skills, confidence, independence and resilience.
  • To provide opportunities for pupils to develop creativity and problem-solving in real life situations.
  • To provide an integrated, creative and fun curriculum.
  • To provide rich opportunities for English language development.
  • To promote links with the local and wider community.

Here is a summary of what we are/have been up to...




Our learning adventures are linked to our curriculum and from this year onwards focus on issues of social justice. We want our children to play their part in creating a more equitable future for everyone!


Our learning adventures are linked to our curriculum …

  • Autumn 2020 - "This is Me!" We are using ART to reflect on ourselves and what makes us each unique! Edition 116 Tues 1st Dec 2020.pdf
  • Spring 2021 (Postponed due to Covid 19 National Lockdown)
  • Summer 2021 - "This is US!" Following on from our Autumn adventure we are sharing and celebrating our school's diversity! Edition 132 Fri 22nd Oct 2021.pdf


Our learning adventures are linked to our curriculum...


This year, our learning adventures are linked to our new curriculum which focus on STEAM subjects!

2017 -18

Over this academic year we are planning three Learning Adventures with the whole school adventure taking place in summer 2018. The three adventures will be;

  • Autumn 2017: English learning Adventure we focused on Inspiring a Love of Reading

You can read more by opening or downloading our eBook about the week. You can look at some pupil outcomes from across the school. Reading Learning Adventure Autumn 2017 eBook of outcomes.pdf

  • Spring 2018: PE & PSHE Learning Adventure "Active Kids" focused on pupil wellbeing.

You can read more about our spring learning adventure by looking at our plans for the week. We will also upload pupil outcomes after the event has finished! We look forward to an active and engaging week! Active Kids Learning Adventure Spring Term 2018.pdf


Autumn DT Learning Adventure - Creative Chefs

Spring Learning Adventure: I Love London!

Summer 2017 - In the summer we held a maths learning adventure aimed at supporting children to learn their timetables. We had three maths weeks over the year and this final learning adventure week enabled to show how much progress they had made with their timetables! Well done to all for learning their number facts! We had one Y6 child who could answer 60 questions in under a minute! WOW!


Autumn Art Learning Adventure- Amazing Artists and Curious Critiques

Spring Olympic Learning Adventure

Summer Humanities Learning Adventure - The week was devoted to raising the profile of History, Geography and Religious Education with the culmination of the week a special day on which everyone came to school in traditional dress, colours or outfits that represented their background, their family history, their culture or faith. It was a brilliant day with some amazing outfits to celebrate our diversity!


Summer Term Health & Fitness Week - A week of learning about healthy eating and exercise which culminated in a whole school morning fitness session at 8.50am. We had staff, parents and children all taking part in a 10minute fitness fun session in the playground. Each year group led a routine to get our heart rates pumping faster!