Committees & Governors' Responsibilities

Board of Governor's committees generally meet once a term and look at aspects of school governance in more detail than we do in Full Board meetings. Each committee elects a chair with the clerk taking minutes. Committees make recommendations or take decisions, which the chair presents to the next Full Board of Governors meeting to be ratified. For example, the Finance Committee reviews the school’s budget, but this has to be approved by the whole Board of Governors.

The Board decides what committees are needed, and writes their terms of reference, which defines what aspects of school governance the committee is responsible for.

The Board often asks a committee to look at a subject in more detail – for example, to review a proposed change to the school’s staffing structure or to review a school policy.

Finance, Premises and Staffing Committee

The Finance, Premises and Staffing Committee sets the school budget (how we spend the money allocated to us), monitors the budget throughout the year and ensures that the school spends its money effectively and prudently.

  • Chair: Mr Nick Rozanski
  • Clerk: Mrs Jo Sattaur

Curriculum, Standards and Pupils Committee

The Curriculum, Standards and Pupils Committee deals with the way the school delivers the National Curriculum, targets and achievement, teaching initiatives and specific areas such as religious education and sex & relationships education.

  • Chair: Mrs Bent
  • Clerk: Mrs. Jo Sattaur

Panels and Working Groups

Pay Review Panel

  • Members: Mr Nick Rozanski, Mr Hemal Davda & Mrs. Fouzia Khan

Pupil Disciplinary Panel

  • Members: Convened as needed

Complaints, Appeals and Exclusions Panel

  • Members: Convened as needed

Headteacher’s Performance Management Panel

  • Members: Mr Himesh Patel, Mr Hemal Davda & Mrs. Fouzia Khan

Governors' Responsibilities

Governors focus on specific aspects of the school or on the education it provides to our children. Our governors visit the school to review the way it carries out its responsibilities, and will be involved in the formulation and review of policies and plans for that area. Governor responsibilities are assigned annually by the Governing Board.

  • CP & Safeguarding - Himesh Patel, Fouzia Khan, Hemal Davda & Annette McAndrew (AHT/DSL)
  • Health & Safety - Colin Clifford & Neema Shah
  • Pupil Progress/Inclusion - Mary-Jo McGrath & Fouzia Khan
  • Governor Monitoring - Dipti Babhania
  • Governor Training & Development - Dipti Babhania
  • GDPR - Nick Rozanski
  • Curriculum Areas
    • Languages (English & MFL) - Fouzia Khan
    • Maths - Neema Shah
    • EYFS - Fouzia Khan
    • Humanities - Jaina Varsani
    • RE - Wawira Johnston
    • Science - Wawira Johnston
    • Computing - Wawira Johnston
    • PE & Sports - Hemal Davda
    • PSHE & Well-Being - Diksha Bent
    • The Arts - Diksha Bent
    • Pupil Voice, SMSC, School Council, British Values & Collective Worship - Himesh Patel & Muks Rabadia

Whilst three governors are linked to safeguarding, the board is clear that "safeguarding is everyone's responsibility" and for that reason, all governors are linked to areas of safeguarding so the full board has a strong strategic overview of safeguarding.

If you would like a paper copy of any information found on the website, please contact the school office.