School Awards for Pupils - Celebrating Success!
We believe in celebrating success at OGPS in a number of different ways. We want children to feel proud of their own achievements as well as being proud of the successes of their friends and peers.
House Teams
All children are part of one our house teams and house points they are awarded get added to the weekly total. Children receive house points for their positive behaviour, for the effort, their attitude and for their work. We have four house teams at OGPS; Derwent (red), Mardale (yellow), Rydal (blue), Coniston (green) and Ennerdale (orange) which come from names of our local roads. In our school hall we have displays for each team which tells you their weekly score and whether they came 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th in the previous week. At the end of each term the House Team Cup is presented to the team with the highest number of points, it then has colourful ribbons attached to show which team is currently in first place.
- 2022-23 Academic Year House Cup Winners were Derwent!
- 2021-22 Academic Year House Cup Winners were Mardale!
- 2020-21 Academic Year House Cup - Postponed due to Covid 19
- 2019-20 Academic Year House Cup - Postponed due to Covid 19
- 2018-19 Academic Year House Cup Winners were Derwent!
- 2017-18 Academic Year House Cup Winners were Derwent!
- 2016-2017 Academic Year House Cup Winners were Rydal!
Year Six House Captains
At the start of each year, children in year six elect a House & Vice Captain in each class for each House Team. House Captains set a high standard of behaviour and are trusted with special jobs over the course of the year. During achievement assemblies they give out certificates to younger children, shake their hand and congratulate them on their success.
Achievement Assemblies
Friday assemblies start with sharing house points results for the week. Classes with the highest attendance for the week also receive a trophy to look after for the week. We have a trophy for EYFS & KS1 and for KS2.
Each week, staff members have the hard task of selecting stars of the week. They reflect on the successes of the children they teach and select one child to be their star of the week.
End of Term Achievement Assemblies
A special end of term achievement assembly takes place where we award certificates to our achievers of the term for their work and to our citizens of the term for excellent behaviour and support for others. We also have termly attendance awards. The House Team Cup is presented to the team with the highest number of points, it then has colourful ribbons attached to show which team is currently in first place.
Anti-Bullying Ambassadors
During Anti-Bullying week each November, one child from each KS2 class is chosen to be the class ambassador for anti-bullying, They receive a special certificate and a badge to wear for the remainder of the year. It is their role to champion anti-bullying and keep the message of anti-bullying week alive all year! They meet each term with a school leader, our PSHE Champion, who helps them to help the class care and look after each other.
Learning Adventure Oscars & the Learning Adventure Challenge Cup
Each year we hold a whole school learning adventure. You can find more details of this in the curriculum area. At the end of the learning adventure fortnight we hold an Oscars ceremony to present certificates to classes for their achievements. The challenge cup is awarded to an individual or class who has shone during the week!
OG Sports Cup
At our annual sports day in the summer term, children take part in lots of different sporting activities and earn points for their house teams along the way. The results are collected in for EYFS, KS1 & KS2 and the Sports Cup presented to the House Team with the most points!
OG Sports Person of the Year
At the end of the academic year we hold a sports assembly to celebrate our sporting successes. At the end of the assembly we announce our Sports Person of the Year! The award looks at children's contributions within PE lessons as well as participation in school clubs and competitions to represent the school. The trophy rewards effort and attitude just as much as sporting skills and success! Who will win the trophy each year?
- 2023 Sports Person of the Year Haady Y5
- 2022 Sports Person of the Year - Saoirse Y6
- 2021 Sports Person of the Year - Alexandro Y6
- 2020 Sports Person of the Year - Eshan 3
- 2019 Sports Person of the Year - Khrya-Louise Y2
- 2018 Sports Person of the year - Maryam Y4
- 2017 Sports Person of the year - Ali Y6
As you can see, there are many ways to shine at OGPS!