Please find below our key school policies. Policies that need to be reviewed annually are either updated at the September FGB meeting or the November FGB meeting. Once they have been ratified by governors, the website is updated accordingly.
Should you require hard copies of any of the policies below, or would like to see a policy not listed here, please contact us and we will ensure that a paper copy is given or sent to you.
Attendance & Punctuality Policy 2022- 2025
Behaviour and Anti-Bullying Policy 2024-25.pdf
Best Value Statement updated Sept 2024.pdf
Charging & Remissions Policy updated Sept 2024.pdf
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 2024-25.pdf
Children with health needs who cannot attend school policy 2024-2025.docx
Complaints Procedure March 2023-27
Educational Visits Policy 2024-27.pdf
Equality objectives and information statement 2023-2025
First Aid Policy 2024- 2025.pdf
Inclusion Policy 2023-2024.pdf
LAC and PLAC Policy 23-25.pdf (Looked After Children & Previously Looked After Children)
Managing Serial & Unreasonable Complaints March 2023-27
Marking and Feedback Policy- May 2022-26
Maths Calculation guidance
Medical Conditions Policy 2023-25.pdf
Online Safety Policy 2024-25.pdf
Procedure for Class Allocation 2022-25
Pupil Allergy Policy 2024-2025.pdf
Relationships & Health Education Policy 2023-26
SEND Information report 2023-2024
Staff Code of Conduct Policy 2024-25.pdf