
Vacancies - Join the Team!

If we have any vacancies or job opportunities, they will be advertised on this page.

Be Part of Something Special.... Information to Applicants.pdf

Leadership Vacancies

Currently, we do not have any vacancies.

Class Teacher Vacancies

Currently, we do not have any vacancies.

Learning Support Assistant Vacancies

Currently, we do not have any vacancies.

Admin or Support Staff Vacancies

Currently, we do not have any vacancies.

Oliver Goldsmith Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our children. All posts are subject to an enhanced DBS check and satisfactory references.

Oliver Goldsmith Primary School is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to creating a diverse workforce. We will consider all the qualified applicants for employment without regard to sex, race, religion, belief, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, pregnancy, maternity, age, disability, marriage or civil partnership.