Year 6 Events

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Flu Immunisation Day at OGPS

Date: 18th October 2023

Break up for half term at 3.15pm

Date: 20th October 2023

Back to school - gates open at 8.35am as usual

Date: 30th October 2023

Y6 Assembly - Diwali & learning reflections

Date: 10th November 2023

Christmas Fair Day run by Y6

Date: 15th December 2023

Non-uniform day - Party Afternoon

Date: 19th December 2023

End of Autumn Term - Children finish at 1.30pm

Date: 20th December 2023

Back to school - gates open at 8.35am as usual

Date: 9th January 2024

Be Bright, Be Seen Day!

Date: 26th January 2024

Break up for half term at 3.15pm

Date: 9th February 2024

Back to school - gates open at 8.35am as usual

Date: 19th February 2024

French Learning Adventure Day

Date: 15th March 2024

End of Spring Term - Children finish at 1.30pm

Date: 28th March 2024

Back to school - gates open at 8.35am as usual

Date: 15th April 2024

Local Elections & London Mayor Election Day

Date: 2nd May 2024

Walk to School Week

Date: 20th May 2024 till 24th May 2024

Back to school - gates open at 8.35am as usual

Date: 3rd June 2024

Summer Learning Adventure Day

Date: 28th June 2024

Performing Arts Concert

Date: 10th July 2024

Y6 Leavers Assembly

Date: 18th July 2024

End of Summer Term - Children finish at 1.30pm

Date: 19th July 2024